exec - definição. O que é exec. Significado, conceito
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O que (quem) é exec - definição


Exec.; Exec (disambiguation)
<language> An early batch language for the IBM VM/CMS systems. [SC19-6209 Virtual Machine/ System Product CMS Command and Macro Reference, Appendix F. CMS EXEC Control Statements]. [Was EXEC 2 was a later version?] (2000-08-06)
Exec.; Exec (disambiguation)
/eg-zek'/ <operating system> 1. execute. A synonym for chain derived from the Unix "exec" {system call}. Unix manual page: execve(2). 2. (Obsolete) executive. The mainstream "exec" as an abbreviation for (human) executive is *not* used. To a hacker, an "exec" is a always a program, never a person. 3. At IBM and VM/CMS shops, the equivalent of a shell command file. 4. <operating system> The innermost kernel of the Amiga operating system which provides shared-library support, device interface, memory management, CPU management, basic IPC, and the basic structures for OS extension. The rest of the Amiga OS (windowing, file system, third-party extensions, etc.) is built using these structures. [Jargon File] (1997-08-01)
Exec.; Exec (disambiguation)
[?g'z?k, ?g-]
¦ noun informal an executive.



CMS EXEC, or EXEC, is an interpreted, command procedure control, computer scripting language used by the CMS EXEC Processor supplied with the IBM Virtual Machine/Conversational Monitor System (VM/CMS) operating system.

EXEC was written in 1966 by Stuart Madnick at MIT on the model of CTSS RUNCOM. He originally called this processor COMMAND, and it was later renamed EXEC.

CMS EXEC has been superseded by EXEC 2 and REXX. All three — CMS EXEC, EXEC 2 and REXX — continue to be supported by the IBM CMS product.

Exemplos de pronúncia para exec
1. exec?
We the Eaters - If We Change Dinner, We Can Change the World _ Ellen Gustafson _ Talks at Google
2. with your studio exec?
Tickling Giants _ Bassem Youssef and Sara Taksler _ Talks at Google
3. You guys go exec something.
Creating High Performance Culture _ Patty McCord _ Talks at Google
4. is the exec director of ShoutOut,
Inclusive Parenting _ Lynne Tracey + More _ Talks at Google
5. who are a British senior exec supplier,
Exemplos do corpo de texto para exec
1. State Department, headed by former oil exec Condoleezza Rice.
2. Go ahead. 0':3':42 _ And center exec jet nine fifty–six.
3. Her first was carried by her partner, also an exec at Fox.
4. Former co–chief exec of Airbus parent EADS, Noel Forgeard, has denied wrongdoing.
5. Agnes), the record exec who moved from NYC to Toronto for her marketer boyfriend.